About Us

Mission Statement:

Heart of G-d Ministries is actively engaged in sharing the Good News in Israel, raising Aliyah awareness, helping new believers (and old ones too!) grow to spiritual and emotional maturity, teaching people to hear G-d’s voice and helping them to enter into His presence through worship.

We are Richard and Carolyn Hyde, Israeli-American citizens living in the Galilee, sharing the love of Yeshua, Jesus, with Israelis. Together we are a prophetic picture of the Heart of G-d, Jew and gentile, one-new-man in Messiah.

We planted a Messianic congregation, Beth Simcha, in San Antonio and Richard served as a founding elder and Torah teacher from 1990- 2000.

In 2000 the L-rd called us to move to Germany to work in a reconciliation ministry between Germans and Jews. We praise Adonai for the many German youth who have come to faith in Yeshua! Miraculously, the L-rd called us to make Aliyah (immigration to Israel) from Germany.

In 2003 we made Aliyah and became citizens. After arriving, we lived on Mount Carmel in Haifa. Carolyn served as worship leader at K’tsir Asher, The Harvest of Asher Congregation, in Akko, and then led worship at Kehilat Poriya, a congregation near Tiberias. During the Second Lebanese War in 2006 we moved to a small village near Tiberias.

Over the years we have often been called out of Zion on ministry journeys and prayer-walking in strategic locations and helped to plant and build up congregations in the Land.

Today we are very active in sharing our faith in Israel. We also do Aliyah counseling, assisting and encouraging Jewish people to come home to Israel. We offer the Living Stones Experience where we invite you to an evening of Israeli folk dancing, worship and sharing how the Holy One of Israel is moving on the hearts of His people today! 

Carolyn is involved in worship in various venues in the Land. She has written and recorded many worship songs in English and Hebrew. Explore her music videos and worship albums.

Richard is leading Heart of G-d Ministries into a new season of sharing Messiah online through social media. We work with our two sons, Ariel and Avi and the Tree of Life Media Team in Haifa, doing street outreach and creating evangelistic and pro-life videos. Have seen our Isaiah 53 Forbidden Chapter video? It has already reached over 10 million people, 1.5 million of whom are Israeli!

We are excited at how the L-rd is moving on the hearts of Israelis today, fulfilling His promises that Kol Yisrael Yivasha – All Israel Will Be Saved!

Richard Hyde was born and raised in Plainview, Texas as a Christian. After graduating from Oral Roberts University, he lived in Europe and Asia for five years, planting congregations among indigenous believers. He then had a divine encounter with the G-d of Israel and like Ruth, committed himself to the people and the Land of Israel and went on to study at the Institute of Holy Land Studies where he completed the coursework for a master’s degree in Middle East Studies, with an emphasis in Islam. After returning to the US he met his lovely wife and moved to San Antonio, Texas.

Carolyn Margolin-Hyde was raised in an Orthodox Jewish synagogue near Chicago. She graduated from the University of Illinois and practiced as a registered nurse for many years. Later, after living as a new-age hippie, and working in various locations around the US and even Mexico, she had a vision of Yeshua that transformed her life and she’s now a Messianic Jew. She then moved to Norfolk, Virginia, where she led worship at Beth Messiah Congregation, and met Richard who was visiting. They soon married and moved to San Antonio, Texas

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Heart of G-d - 2022

Heart of G-d - 2021

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    Mailing Address:
    • Israel:
      PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
    • USA:
      PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
    • hydefamilyisrael@gmail.com
    • +972-54-660-5408
    US Number via Skype:
    • +1-814-205-3131
    501C3 Non-Profit Ministry:
    • EIN # 74-2956543

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