Dream: The Breakthrough


Dream: The Breakthrough 

Everyone sat inside their home all day long before a huge black screen. The programs on the computer were specifically designed to dim the senses, mollify emotions and prolong the desire to just sit there. Even the food that was served was bland and wilted.

At one point, while working on a project of geometric patterns on my screen, something inside broke and I stood up from my chair, walked outside to the balcony of the huge castle. Looking up at the sky and down into the moat, I jumped into the water while praising the Holy One, which was forbidden!

I knew that the moat had alligators but felt safe in the hands of the One who created them and me. So I swam to shore and entered the forest, where I encountered many other souls who’d awakened to the reality of the old existence versus the new life.

Upon waking up in this world, I heard Adonai say to listen to Psalms 145-150. What a glorious way to start the day!
