Dream: The Fracture


Dream: The Fracture

This was the third dream in the past few days that spoke of glass and china dishes stored in cabinets becoming fractured, lying in splintered shards on the floor of the house. In each of these dreams I had a strong impression to wrap and store my finest porcelain and glassware to place in storage.

This dream was the strongest warning because I heard “Kristallnacht” upon awakening and then clearly understood. We’ve become a nation of broken hearted people, whose collective memory dwells continuously on October 7. But that modern-day pogram only signaled the beginning of the end, just like Kristallnacht. And storing dishes, taping windows, etc will somewhat help when the shaking comes, but it’s like placing a bandage over a heart attack.

So the true focus is to pray for the heart of the people of Israel, that our previously hardened and now immensely fractured hearts would not remain within, but we’d willingly subject ourselves to the Ezekiel 36:26 open heart surgery. The Great Master Surgeon has even now prepared His operating room. But no cardiac surgeon runs after patients with his surgical tools, but instead waits for them to turn to him first. Likewise with our Heavenly Surgeon…
