The Yeshua Project

The Yeshua Project is a partnership between Heart of G-d Ministries, Kehilat HaCarmel and Tree of Life Ministries.

The Project’s goal is to share the gospel with Israelis by producing quality outreach videos and booklets and equipping believers to share the good news.

Outreach Videos

The Great Jewish Leader - Part 1

Most Jewish people have misconceptions about Jesus. See their incredible reactions as they read about “a great Jewish leader,” and then find out that they were reading from the Gospels!

The Great Jewish Leader - Part 2
How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety
In times of uncertainty, one thing is still sure: there’s only One who defeated death and whose perfect love drives out all fear. See the Gospel presented in a unique way to Jesus’ own people!
Isaiah 53 - The Forbidden Chapter
Did you know that Isaiah 53 is a forbidden chapter in most synagogues? See how deeply Israelis were moved as they read this powerful prophecy and came face to face with their Messiah!
“El capítulo prohibido” en la Biblia Hebrea
¡NUEVA VERSIÓN! Hace poco producimos un video acerca de el “CAPÍTULO PROHIBIDO” en la Biblia Hebrea y alcanzó 1.25 millones de visualizaciones, pero luego tuvimos que reeditarlo por razones de seguridad. Aparentemente, algunas personas no desean que este mensaje sea difundido.
„Das verbotene Kapitel“ in der hebräischen Bibel
Neue Version! Unser Video über „Das verbotene Kapitel“ in der hebräischen Bibel hatte 1 250 000 Klicks, aber dann mussten wir es aus Sicherheitsgründen überarbeiten. Offensichtlich wollen manche nicht, dass diese Information bekannt wird.

For evangelistic videos in Hebrew, check out

Supernatural or Just Remarkable?

God’s Promises to the Jewish people and their miraculous fulfillment

The Need:

The vast majority of Israelis are secular, and unfortunately don’t appreciate their own history or recognize God’s involvement in it. Many of them don’t know their own Scriptures very well, if at all, and don’t feel a connection to God. It can be difficult to share with them about Yeshua, (Jesus), based on the Scriptures, without first showing them that the Tanach (Old Testament) is inspired.

The Solution:

To give the Jewish people a fresh introduction to the G-d of Israel – A sovereign God who’s involved in human history and faithful to His promises, and cares deeply about His people. It also shows that the Scriptures aren’t mere stories, but the inspired Word of G-d.

The Impact among Jewish People:

We’ve distributed thousands of booklets here in Israel in Hebrew, Russian, and English, and stories keep flooding in about how God has used them to touch people’s lives – in some cases even dramatically changing people’s whole perspective about who God is. It has often opened up the doors for fruitful conversations about God and Yeshua.

The Impact among Christians:

This booklet has not only proven to be a powerful outreach tool to Jewish people, but also a great tool to strengthen the faith of believers and to help them understand what God is doing in Israel. Many Christians are ordering boxes of booklets for use in their congregation, Sunday school, home group, or for neighbors, friends, and outreach.

The Goal

To distribute these booklets to as many people as possible and especially to Israelis.

Please consider helping by:

  • Ordering multiple copies or donating above the suggested amount – All of the donations go toward continuing this project. For every dollar you give, we can get one more booklet to a Jewish person in Israel.
  • Partner with us on a monthly basis – Your reoccurring gifts have the greatest impact on this ministry and help us to reach Israelis with the Gospel.
  • 1 for $15
  • 3 for $30

Note: Since our heart is for evangelism, if you can’t afford the regular amount, contact us about a discounted rate.


Please include the following information with your order in the ‘Gift Memo’ field on the ‘Review’ page:

  • Number of copies
  • Language (English, Hebrew, Russian, French, German)

Join us in sharing Messiah's love