Dream of Hiding from a Beast


Dream of Hiding from a Beast

I just awoke from this dream at 2:22. I was watching the house to keep the cats out while C, one of my spiritual sons, slept in the main room. He had unstoppable tears from his eyes which affected his vision, but meanwhile his sense of smell and hearing had intensified exponentially.

At one point there were two cats in the house. I drove out the yellow tomcat and then found the striped black, gray and white one hiding in the bookcase. After throwing him out too, I thought all was well and got ready to sleep.

Suddenly I heard a ferocious growl outside the window – it was a pale yellow wild animal – part leopard with the furry arms of a bear!

I laid down beside the couch as the beast climbed in through the broken window and began to sniff at my arm. I played dead but could feel its breath on me while my heart was pounding incredibly fast. Plus I was worried it would get to Chris.

Then I heard the sound of my bedroom door opening and I suddenly became fully awake but kept my eyes closed while declaring the name of Yeshua over and over. It was clearly an evil spirit which came to create chaos and fear, but I firmly commanded it to leave this house now b’Shem Yeshua.

At the same moment I sat up and fiercely declared “Go away now b’Shem Yeshua HaMashiach,” a First Nations warrior appeared who was dressed for battle and together we drove away the evil spirit. And it left…
