Prophetic words of doom versus encouragement


Prophetic words of doom versus encouragement

For many years, prophetic voices from the nations have come here to Israel to proclaim disaster on us and to this day, I believe that’s the reason why the prophetic has been disregarded and even despised by many in leadership. We have enough problems here and we don’t need people coming in from the outside to tell us that we’re all doomed! All cities, including Tel Aviv have some wicked people in them but that doesn’t mean that all cities are wicked! Matthew 13:40-43 gives clarity on this.

One of the Ephesians 4:11 gifts is to prophecy and its main purpose is to draw people back to יהוה. Years ago when I began posting my dreams, I received messages and calls from many young adults in Israel who were having similar dreams and visions. As they expressed sorrow and frustration at being ignored or put down, they asked if I would listen to what they were hearing and to this day I’m still listening to what’s on the hearts of these whom I lovingly call the Joel 2:28 kids.

So even though the pathway of operating in the prophetic in Israel has been paved with layers of cement, small colorful flowers are rising up through the concrete fissures and the local prophetic voices are carrying a beautiful authority that is drawing the heart of our people to turn back to יהוה!