Dream of Ships


In the first dream, I was on a boat with immigrants coming into America from Russia, Poland and Eastern Europe. Children of all ages were living in the hulls of ships with their parents, although there were also some teenagers who came alone. Their clothing quickly became dirty as there was no way to wash during the three month journey to America. The babies were the hardest to care for until someone rigged up a system with buckets that went down into the ocean to bring up water for cold baths once a week. Children also outgrew their clothing. Parents developed an exchange system. Some older children found ways to steal what they needed from the crew or from other immigrants..

I woke then fell asleep only to continue the dream about ships coming in. This time I was on the land as one who was gathering food to send to the boats that would bring the people over. We gathered rice, Kasha and buckets of onions, cabbage, potatoes and other cold storage vegetables plus lemons. A system was set up of keeping track of what ship received the correct amount of provisions. We also gave lamps with oil and these were treasured by the immigrants as they became their first piece of furniture for their new homes.

Upon awakening I wondered why I was having the same dreams of gathering provisions. And the impression came that just as we came in, we will go out – Aliyah…


A Word

Then I saw this word from a friend from Quebec – what a powerful confirmation for the assignment at the gateway of Houston:

While praying for you I saw myself standing behind you, upholding your arms (raised up) and you appeared as a pregnant woman with a large belly (in advanced stage). 
The impression was that of many children being in your belly/spiritual womb. Voilà! May Adonai cause you to bring forth what He has conceived, purposed for His glory.