A Vision of South Korea


A Vision of South Korea

After The Global Watch presentation on South Korea, I was given a vision during the prayer time of South Korean Christians walking on a desolate beach. The sand had become salt and every living thing around died. And yet the minerals in the salt were crying out to bring healing to the people, but they were in such a state of shock that they could only mourn the loss of their beautiful greenery. And yet the salt continued to cry out that healing is in their midst, but it’s just not in the form that they had desired nor expected.

The pre-believers were in a panic but one by one the believers began to awaken to the purpose of the shaking of their nicely organized world. As gossip and hypocritical religious spirits that drove away the youth were exposed, the true believers began to embrace and enter into the salt covenant they were now being offered.

Then the desolation, while still a reality in the physical realm, no longer held their hearts captive as the beauty and depth of healing of the salt covenant became a reality in their midst.
