Impressions of Arabic


Impressions of Arabic

The Arabic language has an innate rhythm that lends itself to a Song of Songs 8:6 romanticism, which was given by G-d in order to “set a seal on your heart and arm. For love is as strong as death, and jealousy is as severe as Sheol; its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the L-rd!”

This is what the Father created the Arabic language to reflect – His very flame and poetic passion for His beautiful creation!

But when the enemy deceived the heart of the Arabic speaking people, turning them to Islam, he defiled the flame of G-d, causing the type of strife, hatred and jealousy from Sheol that leads to violence, rape and setting people on fire, ushering in a covenant of death instead of life.

Islam is a perversion of the true calling of the Arabic people, but when they follow Messiah Yeshua, they are some of the most loving, prophetically anointed people! During a recent prayer meeting with Arab Christians, I sensed the extreme delight of Adonai over these treasured children of the King.
