A Vision of the Waters


A Vision of the Waters

I saw a huge cast iron pot filled with the nations and the waters around them were being stirred up, slowly at first but then moving more rapidly, to the dizzying hum of centrifuges.

These nations in particular rose to the surface: USA, France, Israel, Iran and Pakistan. They were chosen for a particular purpose that seemed to echo war and devices of steel that screeched through the skies, bringing panic to multitudes, yet a supernatural peace to those who understood the season.

As I watched the waters of the nations being stirred up, it was as if one hand was stirring them to cause massive destruction while the hand of יהוה came down to intervene, calming the raging seas. In each place where the storms raged, one drop of the blood of the Lamb fell into the waters, causing an enormous ripple effect that touched the surrounding nations.

Every time the enemy stirred the waters, a warhead appeared, but then an axe head would float that could easily be removed or the waters would part and completely dry ground would appear. Every stream of provocation was disrupted by a tributary that would suddenly manifest. And many unexpected and unlikely ones were given ears to hear.

The enemy continued to rage but the drops of the blood of the Lamb fell worldwide with precision timing. It was as if the skies were sweating blood.

And then I saw time crushed like grapes in a vat. The feet of those who crushed the grapes turned from purple to grey and their hearts stopped within. Then I saw crowds of young adults and children released from captivity, coming up from the raging waters, carrying the wealth of the nations by sea to the Land.

And I heard, “Prepare for an influx.”
