Dream of Texas


Dream of Texas

While driving through Texas, I tried to drive my truck up to the enormous Burger King that sat as a crown on a steep hill. After ascending a few steps, I felt like I was going up on a cut stone altar and immediately descended to the ground.

A lady named Rosie Gonzales lived in the countryside near that steep hill and worked at a humble country diner. I felt there was something in this area that needed to be unlocked so I lingered there.

While walking the land, I noticed hiding places that had been carved out under the thick bushes. Due to recent rainstorms, the ground under the bushes were pools of mud, and even the branches of the trees were covered with smooth brown mud. Yet when I touched the muddy branches, my hands were clean. And I was walking through there with only socks, but upon returning to the house where I was staying, my socks were dry and clean. It reminded me of Exodus 14 where we once walked through the sea bed on dry ground…

I awoke at 5:58AM and wrote down this dream and then Adonai told me to enter the Global Watch Journey Session from February 17, which was all about repairing the broken altars!
