Dream of the Blood of the Lamb


Dream of the Blood of the Lamb

All night long I dreamt of one thing – the Blood of the Lamb.
I had an opportunity to travel to a little town named Ava, which is on a peninsula near the sea. There were many Filipinos working there.

Upon entry, it seemed to be like a water park because there were slides and metal tubes set up everywhere, but in reality they were there for the lambing season when the lambs were sacrificed and their blood was poured out on to the slides, so it would flow through a purification process and then be packaged in small glass vials and packages to be used for healing diseases.

Then we entered the area where the lambs were raised. What a delight to be among the baby lambs – I wanted to take this one adorable white baby lamb home! But of course that wasn’t allowed. Our grandkids loved this part of the lambing fields. Some friends from Israel were with us too.

A storm was coming in the distance as the air pressure suddenly dropped and a wave of cold air blew in. The baby lambs ran to hide and we knew it was time to go. So we finished buying some items from the gift shop. But the storm was rapidly increasing with a ferocious howling of the wind and the waves were rising almost as high as the exit bridge. I watched the sky turn into a thick black mass of churning clouds and wondered if we’d be able to leave. But either way it was ok because as I clung to the Blood of the Lamb, I felt safe, even in the midst of such a terrible storm.

Upon awakening I remembered the lambing fields I once visited near Jerusalem and walked through that place a second time before the season changed…

Sept 2, 2024