The Forerunner



The Forerunner

Upon reading about Stephanie Eller, the elusive deputy head of the Red Cross in Gaza many questions arose. This morning I was given an impression of Eller’s identity.

First I was reminded of a recent seminar with a woman of G-d who was introduced as the chief intercessor for a well known evangelist. But she explained her true role was to be the forerunner for his missions, going before him into divinely led locations with teams of prayer warriors to clear the spiritual atmosphere and prepare the way, a bit like John the Baptist before Yeshua.

While waiting on Adonai, I saw the hatching of an egg. The machinery inside the mother bird was revealed as demonic, bionic, unnatural. And suddenly I heard that Eller is an entity and a forerunner for the man of lawlessness.

And I recalled noticing her cold, indifferent eyes during hamas ceremonies as Israeli hostages were traded for hundreds of murderous terrorists from Israeli prisons. It was reported that afterwards, she’d smile warmly at hamas fighters, even a bit flirtatious. The Red Cross, which prides itself on neutrality, declares how they help people in danger, as they have access where others don’t.

Yet how could one in Eller‘s role avoid detection on Red Cross, Wikipedia and UN sites? Even AI and Google searches render chicken scratch on her history! It was once reported that Eller, wrapped in a chador, was engaged in unknown activities in Iraq.

Then upon reading how she vanished from the public sector for 10 years, I had the impression that this was her incubation period, when she was “restructured” for her next assignment – the Red Cross leader of Gaza.

Then I was led to Isaiah 14:9 “Sheol is excited to meet you when you come; it stirs up the spirits of the dead for you, all the leaders of the earth from their thrones.”

And Daniel 8:25 “Through his shrewdness he’ll cause deceit to succeed by his influence; and he’ll magnify himself in his heart, destroying many while they are at ease. And he’ll even oppose the Prince of princes, but he’ll be broken without human agency.”

For the Daniel 7:26-27 “court will sit for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.”
