June 11th, 2023

“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.” (Matthew 5:11)

Dear friends and prayer partners,

Praise Adonai for the open heaven on Shavuot/Pentacost, which included leading worship on a boat on the Kinneret – Sea of Galilee. The next morning, as the latter rains fell, we celebrated communion on the Southern Steps of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. When a hostile group of Orthodox Jews locked arms to block my entry to the meeting, I kept moving forward. When a protestor kicked me in the leg and I was completely surrounded by an angry, violent crowd, two policemen grabbed my arms and literally pulled me up and out from the mob! Some friends sent us the photos of Ariel and me…
But please don’t hate the religious – I love them and pray for them always. Our son Ariel also passed through the sea of hostility, blessing the people around him. As the followers of Yeshua celebrated Messiah in the communion, there was a sense of holiness even though the Orthodox were screaming curses from the other side of the fence. As I looked up into the heavens, I could literally see the battle in the Spirit. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…”

The highlight of the day was to worship with prophetic intercessors in a prayer house which sits on top of the Gihon spring in the City of David; it’s believed David wrote many Psalms in that area. On that day Adonai poured out two new songs to open the wells in Jerusalem. A recent dream about the City of David reflected the journey to Poland where we called out in the Spirit to open the wells of revival there and release living water. At the end of our meeting in the Gihon prayer house, a Biblical archaeologist who led our group realized that I was most likely the first Israeli Jew to worship Adonai at the Gihon Spring since David did! Then we were anointed with an abundance of fresh oil from Shiloh by a precious group of Koreans – truly my cup is running over with gratitude to our King!

On the way home I got to share the Good News of Yeshua with a lady on the bus. We had a beautiful conversation about Messiah and I left her with the challenge to ask G-d to reveal to her who is the Messiah…

Let G-d arise and let His enemies be scattered as more gatherings of Arabs and Jews come together to worship the King of Kings as One New Man in Messiah! 
