Dreams and Prophetic Words

These are dreams and words I’ve had that I felt were from G-d.

Scripture says not to believe every spirit,
but test them to see if they are from G-d (1 John 4:1).

The same goes for dreams.


Dreams and Words

A Poem of Timing

A Poem of Timing Some people do What they say they’ll do While others drop out And they haven’t a clue How their actions might

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Dreams and Words

Second Dream of Portals

Second Dream of Portals We were packing everything to move because it was time. Very few boxes were available so I had to leave behind

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Dreams and Words

Dream of Ears and Feet

Dream of Ears and Feet While waiting at a doctor’s office for treatment, we had the option of visiting a woman who practiced folk medicine.

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Dreams and Words

Dream of Confirmation

Dream of Confirmation We were allowed access into places we had never heard of. At one point, I was allowed into a room on a

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Dreams and Words

Dream of Portals

Dream of Portals Children from the East Coast were training to sail on what resembled scooters over the sea. The adults were too afraid to

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Dreams and Words

Dream of Arches

Dream of Arches I was standing in a place of darkness, when suddenly, thousands of arched entryways appeared before me. Many of them began to

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More Dreams & Words

Scripture Memes