Dream of Coming Home

Dream of Coming Home The dream began and ended in the same place – in the mountains of Switzerland, seeking G-d in a season of deep solitude. But in between I was in California and Florida, meeting with people and encouraging Aliyah from America. Even now the details of the dream are slipping away, but […]

Redeem the Dance

Redeem the Dance The Next PAJ – please pray into this with me… Sofia Muriel was 21 when Hamas murdered her at the Nova party—her only “crime” was wanting to dance. 505 days later, her father, Vladislav Bungert, consumed by unbearable grief, ended his own life. 💔 After reading this, I heard Adonai say “Redeem […]

Impressions of Arabic

Impressions of Arabic The Arabic language has an innate rhythm that lends itself to a Song of Songs 8:6 romanticism, which was given by G-d in order to “set a seal on your heart and arm. For love is as strong as death, and jealousy is as severe as Sheol; its flashes are flashes of […]

The Forerunner

  The Forerunner Upon reading about Stephanie Eller, the elusive deputy head of the Red Cross in Gaza many questions arose. This morning I was given an impression of Eller’s identity. First I was reminded of a recent seminar with a woman of G-d who was introduced as the chief intercessor for a well known […]

Dream of Caves

Dream of Caves When the enemy came into the camp, a young woman with long, blond hair had a place prepared that was very difficult to access. One had to swing by a small rope off a steep cliff down into a cave that was under an outcropped plank of rocks. She had a pot […]

Dream of Watching and Hiding

Dream of Watching and Hiding19.2.25 As the countless planes were landing, we could see the Alps in the distance, towering over the land and glistening in the sun. It was a beautiful scene but desperate times. We knew we could only take what was necessary to cross those mountains and flee to the other side […]

Dream of Texas

Dream of Texas While driving through Texas, I tried to drive my truck up to the enormous Burger King that sat as a crown on a steep hill. After ascending a few steps, I felt like I was going up on a cut stone altar and immediately descended to the ground. A lady named Rosie […]

Dream of Playing Catch

Dream of Playing Catch In my dream I was walking down the street of a city that lay in ruins when a friend called out to me, “Do you want to play catch?” However, before she asked I already knew her question and had pulled a ball out of my pocket. So we began to […]


A LOT OF NOISE There’s a lot of noise in Heaven The sound of furniture movingStrong men being bound and gaggedThings seem to be improving There’s a new kid on the block these daysAnd he’s tough on thieves and liarsRemoving self made monumentsThrowing pronouns into fires Lots of doors have slammed shut tightIn the faces […]

PESACH SHENI The Second Passover

‎פסח שני  – PESACH SHENI  Having grown up in a religious synagogue, we celebrated Pesach on the 14th of Nisan, the first month on יהוה’s calendar and never once regarded the Pesach Sheni of the second month of Iyar. Numbers 9:10-14 describes the Pesach Sheni, which falls on May 12 in 2025. Some consider the […]