Dreams and Prophetic Words

These are dreams and words I’ve had that I felt were from G-d.

Scripture says not to believe every spirit,
but test them to see if they are from G-d (1 John 4:1).

The same goes for dreams.


Dreams and Words

Dream: The Fracture

Dream: The Fracture This was the third dream in the past few days that spoke of glass and china dishes stored in cabinets becoming fractured,

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Dreams and Words

Dream: The Breakthrough

Dream: The Breakthrough  Everyone sat inside their home all day long before a huge black screen. The programs on the computer were specifically designed to

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Dreams and Words


1939 When Noah and his familyEntered in the arkDid they know the day that followed No one could embark? David’s life completely changed The day

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Dreams and Words

Be Our Hanukkah Light – A Poem

Be Our Hanukkah Light While listening intently Many waters rushed byThe Spirit inhaledAnd expired a great sigh That filled the whole world With wonder and

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Dreams and Words

Firestorm Dream

Dream: Firestorm Upon awakening many details fled, but Australia began to experience a strong shaking. And the season of the great snow was coming to

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More Dreams & Words

Scripture Memes