A Word – A Frail Foundation

As we travel on what feels like a runaway train with no hope of turning back, I was given a word of encouragement that there are things that we can do to participate in the fall of the kingdom of darkness. I saw intercessors who faithfully pray for Israel and the nations standing watch over […]

September 10th, 2023

Back to Newsletters Facebook Twitter Print Chag Sameach! Happy Holidays to all who celebrate the Leviticus 23 Feasts of Adonai! The Oslo Accords versus The Genesis 15:12 Accords In a recent word, I saw Adonai with me as a child, playing nurse. Suddenly we were on the streets of Jerusalem to hear His voice and […]

A Word – The Stethoscope

Last night when we were listening to G-d during a discipleship class that Richard leads, I heard this and believe it was another encouraging word for the Prophetic Artists Journey. I was in my room in my hometown, where I used to play nurse with my stuffed animals and dolls. I treated them as patients […]

Dream – The Golan

The mobilization of the Golan entered into the next stage. There were already many bases and a strong military presence, but now the homes that had underground shelters that were dug long ago, were put to use. Listening devices were more sensitive and sophisticated than ever and even some campers had rooms deep underneath them […]

Prophetic Artists Journey

Artists will come from many nations to create and pray for and inspire local artists to walk in the Zechariah 1:17-21 callings. A clear word about this journey is to create “according to the pattern that was given on the mountain” like Bezalel and Oholiab. The PAJ isn’t a one-time journey – I believe it […]

Dream – It’s All About the Blood

Dreams and visions passed through my thoughts, some absolutely terrifying while others showed pockets of refuge and comfort. Painful scenes were in abundance as most everyone lost loved ones while at the same time Kingdom builders rose up from the ashes to create beauty that had never been seen before. Rocks were falling from the […]

July 30th, 2023

Back to Newsletters Facebook Twitter Print https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k35wDB2puCU NEW OUTREACH VIDEO! The Tree of Life Israel team just released a powerful new outreach video in English! Our son Ariel and his beautiful wife Shayla present the case for Yeshua in a brilliant way that we pray will touch many hearts! Thank you for your love and prayers for […]

July 23rd, 2023

Back to Newsletters Facebook Twitter Print Urgent prayer request: We were just about to send this prayer update when we had to rush our oldest daughter Deborah back to the ICU with a serious episode of DKA, diabetic keto-acidosis. She’s having trouble breathing and her blood sugars are dangerously high. Please pray for a miracle […]

Dream – The Hacker

There was a massive movement of Israelis entering Jordan. I was among them with a couple who I know very well plus Rick Ridings was with us. At one point I needed to share some secret information, which I felt safe sharing with everyone, but there was one extra person with us who I didn’t […]

Strategy Room – The True and the Counterfeit

I discovered that there are two strategy rooms. I’ve been to the one in Heaven, and I love that place! All my heroes are there, continually making plans for a future and a hope for everyone who belongs to the Kingdom, including those who don’t know it yet. The stairs that lead to the Strategy […]