Dream: The Breakthrough

Dream: The Breakthrough Everyone sat inside their home all day long before a huge black screen. The programs on the computer were specifically designed to dim the senses, mollify emotions and prolong the desire to just sit there. Even the food that was served was bland and wilted. At one point, while working on a […]
Dream: Battle From a Place of Rest

Dream: Battle From a Place of Rest Most of last night’s dream faded away upon awakening but I do remember walking through a Medieval village in the UK that seemed similar to the Cotswolds region. It was a season of tremendous anguish on earth. Then I saw people gathering from many nations on the hills […]

1939 When Noah and his familyEntered in the arkDid they know the day that followed No one could embark? David’s life completely changed The day he was crowned kingNo longer taking orders He commanded everything When the Temple lay in ruinsAnd the sacrifices ceased We were carried off in sorrowFrom the greatest to the least […]
Be Our Hanukkah Light – A Poem

Be Our Hanukkah Light While listening intently Many waters rushed byThe Spirit inhaledAnd expired a great sigh That filled the whole world With wonder and shockAs cells multiplied That were built on the Rock Flourishing flocksIn the fields of His handNourished and grafted inCalled forth to stand In the furnace of suffering We haven’t a […]
Firestorm Dream

Dream: Firestorm Upon awakening many details fled, but Australia began to experience a strong shaking. And the season of the great snow was coming to an end on the European nations. A huge container of crocuses of many colors and varieties were planted everywhere. Their season to sprout and blossom was rapidly approaching. And then […]
Parashat Vayetzei ויצא

Parashat Vayetzei ויצא A few thoughts and questions from this Torah portion that are applicable today: JACOB’S DREAMToday we see a rise of prophetic dreams and the appearance of the Gate of Heaven in Israel plus Adonai’s promises of Aliyah are being fulfilled. LABAN’S TREACHERY Will there be treachery as hamas releases Israeli hostages? THE […]
Dream Before Impact

Dream Before Impact The launch pad was prepared and the missile stood tall, its owners fully confident of their target. But then, to their horror, red handwriting appeared on the missile that spelled out “The Blood of the Lamb”. The owners entered into a state of panic, seeking refuge in their prepared safe places that […]
Two Dreams About Iranians

Two Dreams About Iranians While walking through the desert, we rejoiced to see springs of fresh water bubbling up from the sand and the water was flowing uphill! And I heard many people speaking Farsi in Los Angeles, Paris, Toronto and Frankfurt, as well as in Iran and many were speaking kindly on behalf […]
The Wedding Invitation

For weddings they say Something old, something new But that’s not My way When I invite you! So clear out the old And make way for the new And there’s no need to borrow Anything blue Spotless and pure Is My color of choice As you focus on Me And discern My voice You’ll skip […]
A Word for America

A Word for America While driving through Houston, I suddenly heard it’s all just going to stop. But then it will start again. And then it will stop again and go back-and-forth like a sputtering car that can’t make up its mind whether to live or die. The people of South Africa have gotten accustomed […]