Did you ever wonder why Yeshua compared His return to vultures gathering around carcasses? That thought kept tugging at my heart so I turned to Matthew 24:21-27 and read: “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will again. And […]
Dream: The City of David
At the end of my dream, I tried to do a U-turn to get back on the highway to drive to the exit I had missed for a concert where I was to sing Ha Tikvah. Suddenly I saw a deep pit of sand and stone that resembled a quarry. Many people were walking out […]
A Dream – The Balkans
As I listened to the breathing of the world, I noticed that it was becoming more labored. So I continued to listen and felt like the air quality of the earth was being changed. Then the L-rd gently spoke, bringing correction. It’s not the air quality but the air quantity that is changing. I never […]