Dream of Confirmation

Dream of Confirmation We were allowed access into places we had never heard of. At one point, I was allowed into a room on a yacht where chairs had been stacked up and placed on platforms on wheels. Someone was coming soon to push the cart of chairs and set them up in a hall […]
Dream of Portals

Dream of Portals Children from the East Coast were training to sail on what resembled scooters over the sea. The adults were too afraid to ride the scooter-sailboats but the children took delight in them. Suddenly one by one the children disappeared! Next after hearing what was happening on the southern coast of England, we […]
Dream of Arches

Dream of Arches I was standing in a place of darkness, when suddenly, thousands of arched entryways appeared before me. Many of them began to light up, revealing open doors to enter. So I told the L-rd, “Send me; I will go!” And as I began to walk into one of the arched entryways, I […]
Dream of a Wedding on the Battlefield

Dream of a wedding on the battlefield I had dreams of war all night. In the first dream I saw enemy forces invade like a giant upside down V with the tip advancing first. A small group of us escaped through the dense woods, but our direction was rather strange – fleeing to the northwest! […]
A Dream of Nations

A Dream of Nations I’ve never had a dream that repeated itself twelve times in one night! I was watching the eyes of the L-rd patrol the Arab people, and in particular He was focused on Saudi Arabia and UAE. His Spirit was entering the homes of individuals and families, breathing on their faces, and […]
Dream of The Restaurant

Dream: The Restaurant After the great war, a wonderful couple I know opened a restaurant. Everyone thought it was a crazy idea, but they knew this was what they were called to do. While it was still under construction, we went there to see how we could help. The outside of the building definitely didn’t […]
ARTIST אָמָן

ARTIST אָמָן The word for artist אָמָן is only found one time in the Bible in Song of Songs 7:1. “How beautiful are your feet in sandals,Prince’s daughter!The curves of your hips are like jewels,The work of the hands of an artist.” Yet the Bible is full of art, beginning with the Creation of the […]
A Dream – The Child

A Dream – The Child I received a patchwork of pieces of news to be sewn together like a quilt: There were many swimmers and scuba divers off the coast of the UK. In a close-up view of London, I saw many swimmers crossing the River Thames toward the Parliament buildings. Some of the spies […]
A Poem – A Root

A Poem – A Root While walking on the groundI saw a seed being sownSprouting leaves of brownWilted and dry as a bone So I looked beneath the soilTo hopefully find the sourceAnd saw a root so thickIts middle the size of a horse It grew so quickly and deepI couldn’t see its endExpanding wide […]
Dream: The Fracture

Dream: The Fracture This was the third dream in the past few days that spoke of glass and china dishes stored in cabinets becoming fractured, lying in splintered shards on the floor of the house. In each of these dreams I had a strong impression to wrap and store my finest porcelain and glassware to […]